After opening the node, you will be able to train up to a max of 36 cycles for that meridian line. For example, to open up the first node of scholar channel, you will need to train Rank 1 Nei Gong of scholar up to lv25 at least. Currently, only the first 3 nodes of school channel and the 1st node of the Jiang Hu channel are open.

You can open up these nodes by training the corresponding nei gong up to a certain level (see the picture above). To train further, you will need to open up or activate the nodes along the channel.

Activation of Node Initially, you can only train up to a maximum of 9 cycles per meridian channel. The "level" of your meridian channel is referred as " Cycle".

By infusing "Chi" (it works like experience points) into meridian channels, your meridian channel will "level up" and you will gain additional stats.